Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0014s2.3 | Hormones and the brain | ECE2007

Estrogen receptor signalling and cerebrovascular disease

Olsson Tommy , Strand Magnus , Söderström Ingegerd

The transition to the postmenopausal stage is associated with an increased risk for vascular diseases, including myocardial infarction and stroke. This has been linked to a decrease in estrogen production. Estrogens mediate their effects on the brain to a major extent through binding to nuclear receptors, estrogen receptor alpha and beta. It is possible that positive and adverse effects of estrogens are related to interactions between receptor genotypes and hormones. Notably, ...

ea0028yep1.2 | Young endocrinologists' prize lectures | SFEBES2012

Quantifying in vivo extra-adrenal cortisol production and dysregulation in human metabolic disease

Stimson Roland , Andrew Ruth , Shukri Nor , Johnstone Alexandra , Hayes Peter , Olsson Tommy , Reynolds Rebecca , Walker Brian

Tissue cortisol levels are amplified by the enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1). In mice, transgenic overexpression of 11β-HSD1 causes the metabolic syndrome, consequently 11β-HSD1 inhibitors are a promising therapeutic target. However, determining the importance of 11β-HSD1 in humans has proved more complicated, in part due to difficulty quantifying in vivo activity. We hypothesized that cortisol regeneration by 11β-H...

ea0099p21 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2024

Analysis of salivary dexamethasone does not improve the specificity of the dexamethasone suppression test

Imamovic Marcus , Backlund Nils , Lundstedt Staffan , Brattsand Goran , Olsson Tommy , Dahlqvist Per

Objective: The low dose overnight dexamethasone suppression test (1 mg DST) is a sensitive screening test for Cushing’s syndrome. The specificity of the test can be improved by simultaneous analysis of plasma dexamethasone concentrations. A simple and accurate alternative to analysis of plasma cortisol is analysis of salivary cortisone or cortisol following 1 mg DST [1]. We evaluated if analysis of salivary dexamethasone following 1 mg DST could further improve the specif...

ea0070aep604 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2020

Salivary cortisol and cortisone – Effects of liquorice and blood contamination

Bäcklund Nils , Imamovic Marcus , Brattsand Göran , Lundstedt Staffan , Aardal Elisabeth , Olsson Tommy , Dahlqvist Per

Context: Late-night salivary cortisol is a recommended screening method for Cushing’s syndrome. Liquorice intake may lead to falsely elevated salivary cortisol as glycyrrhizic acid inhibits the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 induced conversion of cortisol to cortisone in the salivary glands. Furthermore, sample contamination by blood from the oral mucosa may also cause falsely elevated salivary cortisol levels. Salivary cortisone has been suggested to more ...

ea0081p10 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2022

Comparison of assays for salivary cortisol and cortisone in the diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome

Backlund Nils , Brattsand Goran , Lundstedt Staffan , Aardal Elisabeth , Bartuseviciene Inga , Katarina Berinder , Burman Pia , Eden Engstrom Britt , Hoybye Charlotte , Isaksson Anders , Ragnarsson Oskar , Ruetschi Ulrika , Wahlberg Jeanette , Olsson Tommy , Dahlqvist Per

Background & Objective: Late night salivary cortisol (LNSC) and 1 mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test (DST) are two of the three recommended screening tests for Cushing’s syndrome (CS). The classical DST uses serum cortisol, but analysis of salivary cortisol and cortisone has shown high diagnostic accuracy at DST (1). Salivary cortisol can be analysed with immunoassays, which suffer from variable degree of cross reactivity with other steroids, or with LC-MS/MS...

ea0099oc5.6 | Oral Communications 5: Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | Part I | ECE2024

Digital voice analysis as a biomarker for acromegaly

Vouzouneraki Konstantina , Nylen Fredrik , Holmberg Jenny , Olsson Tommy , Berinder Katarina , Hoybye Charlotte , Bensing Sophie , Petersson Maria , Aekerman Anna-Karin , Borg Henrik , Ekman Bertil , Robert Jonas , Eden Engstrom Britt , Ragnarsson Oskar , Burman Pia , Dahlqvist Per

Background: Due to the rarity and the slow progress of the disease, there is a considerable diagnostic delay in acromegaly, contributing to increased morbidity and mortality. Voice analysis may decrease this delay as patients with acromegaly often develop a dark voice and unclear speech due to macroglossia, enlarged lips and edema in the pharynx and larynx. Modern technology offers higher speed and power of voice analysis and increased the interest in voice as a biomarker to i...

ea0049gp9 | Adrenal 1 | ECE2017

Mortality is increased in patients with Cushing’s disease in long-term remission: A nation-wide study

Chantzichristos Dimitrios , Papakokkinou Eleni , Dahlqvist Per , Segerstedt Elin , Olsson Tommy , Berinder Katarina , Hoybye Charlotte , Bensing Sophie , Engstrom Britt Eden , Burman Pia , Folin Cecilia , Erfurth Eva Marie , Wahlberg Jeanette , Ekman Bertil , Schwarcz Erik , Bryngelsson Ing-Liss , Andersson Eva , Johannsson Gudmundur , Olsson Daniel S , Ragnarsson Oskar

Background: It is still undetermined whether patients with Cushing’s disease (CD) in remission have an increased mortality. Most previous studies are limited by small numbers of patients and/or short follow-up time.Objective: To study mortality in a nation-wide cohort of patients with CD during long-term follow-up.Methods: Patients with ICD codes for Cushing’s syndrome and/or CD, between 1987 and 2013, were identified in ...

ea0090p437 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2023

Acromegaly management in the Scandinavian countries – a DELPHI consensus survey

Arlien-Soborg Mai C. , Dal Jakob , Heck Ansgar , Stochholm Kirstine , H Nielsen Eigil , Feltoft Claus , Krogh Rasmussen AEse , Feldt-Rasmussen Ulla , Andreassen Mikkel , Klose Marianne , Leo Nielsen Torben , Andersen Marianne , Lehmann Christensen Louise , Krogh Jesper , Jarlov Anne , Lyngvi Fougner Stine , Nermoen Ingrid , Bollerslev Jens , Oksnes Marianne , Dahlqvist Per , Olsson Tommy , Berinder Katarina , Hoybye Charlotte , Petersson Maria , AEkerman Anna-Karin , Wahlberg Jeanette , Ekman Bertil , Eden Engstrom Britt , Johannsson Gudmundur , Ragnarsson Oskar , Agusta Sigurjonsdottir Helga , Burman Pia , Otto Jorgensen Jens

Background: Acromegaly is associated with increased morbidity and mortality if left untreated. The therapeutic options include surgery, medical treatment, and radiotherapy. Guidelines regarding treatment algorithms and follow-up vary considerably.Aim: To evaluate consensus on the treatment and follow-up of acromegaly in the Scandinavian countries.Methods: To map the landscape of acromegaly management in the Scandinavian countries, ...